Tuesday, April 8


Vodka, hyphy, nicotine, and some prescription medication that starts with "V".

Walking home.
22:08Got home. Googled "do eyes stop working if don't use them" and some other variation involving the word "atrophy". Then had a conversation with Ted about my screenplay idea for class and my rent owed on my locker.

Editing calendar, log, and Wyatt's World.

Ate Big and Tasty with Fries, Mr. Pibb, Ranch and Buffalo dipping sauces and one salt packet.

At noon and about fifteen minutes ago I took my medication. I've been in class for the past four hours. During class I ate brie, crackers, and dark chocolate. After class, I urinated and spent about twenty minutes editing video.

Ate blueberry bagel with cream cheese. Drank tea with sugar.
09:59Packed lunch.
10:39Packed bags for school, spending at least 15 minutes looking for the headphones that were in my pocket. Walking to BART.
10:45Battery died while talking to Mom about money and tax forms.
11:04Finished Pint of Water. Walking to School from BART.
11:13Entering argument and debate class. Teacher has not started.


Twelve Monkeys (1995)

. Urinated. Finished pint of water. Took out contacts. Got undressed. Got in bed.

04:40Looking for more free "books". Should have been asleep a long time ago.

08:31Woke and defecated.


08:55Took medication.

09:01Put in contacts and read about

T. S. Eliot's

The Waste Land

09:15Shaved, moisterised and got dressed.

09:34Ate bagel with cream cheese and jam. Drank tea with sugar.